1. Meet
The initial site meeting involves an introduction to the existing landscape as well as to one another. We listen to your needs while providing valuable input and noting important site features. The existing landscape conditions and your requirements guide the design narrative.
2. Study
Effective analysis of your site requires the collection from several data points. Once we’re able to gather adequate data, a proposal is submitted for landscape design services. Next, we continue information gathering of the site by performing a thorough site analysis. Studying site data renders optimal results in the landscape design process.
3. Design
Taking the previously acquired site data, we generate a site plan. The landscape’s site plan allows the landscape designer to develop an agreed upon number of concepts for the client to choose from. Once all parties are in agreement on a design concept, site plan detailing can take place and a final design is rendered. Landscape design combines natural history and client culture.
4. Present
Designer and client review the final plans to make further notes and voice concerns regarding the landscape design plan. The presentation of a design requires clear communication and expressive, definitive decision-making.
5. Refine
Refining the landscape design plan allows the designer to complete the process by making the discussed changes to the landscape plan. Studio design work is complete and the plans are ready to be handed over to a landscape construction professional. Refinement signifies a comprehensive outline of the landscape design process.
6. Build
It is paramount that a build team, landscape designer, and client remain well connected in the site construction phase. Site adjustments and substitutions are often needed and all parties can play a valuable role in helping to preserve design intent. The landscape contractor executes the installation by honoring the integrity of the landscape design process.